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I am just an ordinary human being who is not free from mistakes and sins. Has 7 children;

I love all children. Doesn't differentiate. I started studying Digital Marketing in 2011 as an autodidact, because my background is in Business Management, having founded the Tourism Bureau and EO company PT Naya Indo Nusa. Since the pandemic the company has completely closed. Currently we are pioneering again under the banner of a  PT. Sustainable Digital Ecosystem which operates in the fields of Digital Marketing and Event Organizer services.

Studied at;

Serang State Economic High School [SMEA] [Passed]

Indonesian Ministry of Industry Businss Leadership Academy Jakarta [APP][Passed]

STIE Business Management Development Jakarta [STIE  PBM][Passed]

Others Activities ;

Has been an organization at HMI, also at GMNI

I was once Chairman of the DPD Association of Indonesian Micro and Small Entrepreneurs, Banten Province

Previously served on the Panca Marga Youth Advisory Council, Tangerang Regency Branch Headquarters

Member of Indonesia Tourism Soldier Association [ASPPI]


Hartono Journey is a journey of life. Not just adventure travel or tourism. I will review this by disguising names, places and locations when mentioning other people's names.